Monday, September 22, 2008

Blogger Slacker

Check my new toy out!!
We have discovered each other.

Ava loves her lovee also.
Ava's new toy.

So needless to say I have been a blogger slacker. I truly have been busy with all these girls. Mackenzie has started back preschool, dance and gymnastics. Yes she loves all these activities. We are starting to get settled in a new routine with me being back at work. Work is my sanity by the end of the week. All the girls are doing well. Ava and Elyse are growing like weeds and are getting there own personalities. Mackenzie is still enjoying them. Here are some pics to enjoy. It is so hard to believe that the twins are 4 months old. Mike and I are enjoying them so much. He is still getting used to keeping them all day why I am at work. He is doing great, he just has to get his routine down. I have started my clinical instructor job and I am liking it. So far so good. Well I will try to do better with posting in the future.

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