Sunday, July 27, 2008
Beach 2008
We went to the beach for a week. Needless to say we had a lot of help. Ava and Elyse did not go on the beach but Mackenzie loved the sand. There is no danger in Mackenzie drowning in the ocean, she could care less about that. She said she did not want to go in because "the waves are still coming". The twins just hung out at the house with great grandma and great aunt as babysitters. We did take them shopping one day. They did ok, although it was a lot of work. I saw a family with 5 year old girl and a set of twins(boy and girl) that were two and the boy was screaming strapped in the stroller. I guess that could be us in two years. We had a good time, when daddy got there we rode the ferry and went to the aquarium at Fort Fisher. Mackenzie had a good time. All in all we had fun. Then reality set in with Elyse having a fever on Sat. night which bought us a trip to the ER in Chapel Hill on Sunday with admission on Sunday night. Without going into detail she has a kidney infection and we got out of the hospital on Friday. We are finally trying to get back to normal this weekend. I am going to enjoy the next week with the girls because I go back to work on Aug. 6. Oh by the way Ava is a much happier child since a wonderful MD that I know called the pharmacy at the beach and started Ava on prevacid. She loves it and is a much happier baby, mommy too. Thanks.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Could it be colic!!!
I knew it was to good to be true, who would have thought that Brandy could have 3 girls and none to them have colic. Ava for the past 2 days a 6pm sharp and cried inconsolably for about 30-45 mins. So for all you guys in my family you said I had it made with Mackenzie(the easy baby) I am getting a little pay back from Ava. I guess it could be worse. The girls are doing good other than that. They are starting to smile real smiles and it is so sweet. We continue to enjoy them and realize how much of a blessing they are. We have had a good week and we will be off to the beach next week with help in tow(both grandmas). Enjoy the pics.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Muscial Chairs
Today was a good day at the Baldwin house, things went well even though I was alone with three girls under the age of 3. I will say if the twins make it to age one it will be a miracle. I was in the kitchen and both girls were in there swings, I walked out of the kitchen and somehow Ava had moved herself to the couch, wonder how. I asked Mackenzie how she got on the couch and she did not try to lie and said "She was crying so I moved her". Then Ava was nice and cozy in her crib and Elyse was in her chair in the living room, I, once again in the kitchen and heard Elyse screaming, I walk in the living room and ask Mackenzie what happened and she told me that "she told me to sit on her", lovely my 3 year old already trying to sit in Elyse' lap. All of this happening while I have a laundry room full of wet clothes and a dryer that is broken. Never a dull moment at the Baldwin house. By the way the dryer got fixed this afternoon, I guess the guy put a rush on it, I did tell him that I had a 3 year old and 2 month old twins and I needed to stay caught up on it. Why not use it to my advantage when needed.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Our adventure to Cary
Picture this....Me, my mom, Mackenzie, Ava and Elyse on the way to WakeMed, then for a day of shopping. Ava's hip ultrasound was normal and she has no problems. She did great with the ultrasound, I was shocked because she is drama!!! Then off to Target and all the kids slept except Mackenzie, good start. Then to BJ's things started to get interesting. Imagine this, I took Elyse to change diaper, my mom pushing double stroller with Ava and pulling cart full of stuff and don't forget Mackenzie tagging along and if you know Mackenzie she is not in any hurry to do anything. Then off to load the car. I drive a very big family car(Expedition EL), picture trying to load all the stuff we bought, three kids and double stroller, it was packed. One thing I have learned about going in public with my kids is that we get a lot of looks from people and I have become that family that you see in the store and go home to tell your spouse what you saw and you both get a good laugh out of it. How funny, who thought we would become that. It is OK because we love it. After all of that we were on the way home and by the way I was exhausted.
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