Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanks goodness for preschool teachers.

Barbie Cake
Mackenzie loves HSM dolls and the movie

Ava and daddy
Elyse and mommy

So Mackenzie's birthday party was Saturday. Who knew 15 preschoolers would kick our butt. Mike and I were so tired on Saturday night from the party.Those preschool teachers are angels. It went great and the kids had fun bowling. Thanks to Michelle B. for the Barbie cake. It was good as always. We chose to go bowling because for two years we had her party at my families corn maze but both times it was cold and rainy. We went to the corn maze on Saturday after the party and it was windy and cold so we did not get pictures with pumpkins. Mackenzie had her 4 year old check up on Friday, what a adventure. They pricked her finger for lead level and cholesterol level, checked her vision and hearing, then they checked her ears and guess what wax!!. Yes they washed her ears out, what fun. Then to top it off the FLU SHOT, she was loving me by the end and kindly at the top of her voice informed me that she "did not want to come back to this place". The twins have there checkup tomorrow, I will post weights then.

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